Semiotics Re-Cap

Visual clues

Signs relate to an idea of the context of the magazine

Vogue – asperational upmarket glamour

SIGNIFIER – the physical form of the sign

SIGNIFIED – what it makes you think of when you look at it


Even when signifiers become more complex, they’re still something we have learnt

Signs are a cultural thing

You can make a narrative just out of the visual clues – add them together to create  message


Codes provide a framework within which a sign makes sense

“Daniel Chandler”

There are social codes that include verbal language, body language, behaviour rituals and fashion codes


Make a semiotic analysis of the magazine that you are targeting your photo feature at:

  • What are the signs in the magazine
  • What ‘myths’ do they communicate about the ideal reader

Describe how you have used the signs to create a photo feature that would fit into the pages of this magazine:

  • What are the signs in your photos
  • Whats ‘myths’ do they communicate about the story you covered

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